Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Grandpa's a Sheepdog

Anna continues to make us laugh with the funny things she says. The other week we went to my sister Alison's house for a barbeque at her new house. They have a new puppy named Gunner who's pedigree is unknown. My dad was commenting that Gunner looked like he had some border collie in him and said, "maybe his Grandpa was a sheepdog." Anna picked up on that immediatly and said, "Grandpa's a sheepdog!" "Grandpa, are you a sheepdog?" Oh, I thought my dad was going to fall out of his chair laughing.

It's no secret that my husband is British and is constantly using British words around the house. Anna of course has picked up on some of them like "boot" instead of trunk and "dummy" for pacifier. Well, apparently she's picked up on another phrase. Tonight she told her dad to "bugger off." We were too surprised to tell her that that was a naughty phrase.


lesmisgirl said...

That's hilarious! Hopefully she'll pick up on some of the nicer British words/terms than that one. :) Funny kid.

Marianne said...

Glad you started a blog. Anna is so funny.

KT said...

Tee Hee Hee. I love what kids say.
Buddy's new thing is saying, "Kimmer, chill the frick out." or "Kimmer, back off I busy." Oh and my favorite was yesterday, "Daddy, we make the dum (yes it was damn) pie for you." In my defense, the pie crust was not very cooperative and that angered me most exceedingly.